Sunday, March 13, 2011

LoveCat Top Model - ShadowCat Obscure

What does it take to be a LoveCats model? It takes hard work, dedication, loyalty and of course a great and possitive attitude. What does it take to be a top model? To go above and beyond the call of duty. On time, pick up extra shifts, great customer service and  an over all beautiful personality.

Continuing with the tradition of showcase our workers today we have an interview and photo shoot with ShadowCat Obscure. The early morning shifts are never easy so the lovely models work hard to stay late (or early) to meet and greet are truly gems. If you're an Aussie, in Europe or Asia or just a night owl then you've probably run into this lovely lady. Let's get to know her a bit better shall we?

How long have you been working for LoveCats? 
Working? Is that what this is? =^^= Really, is this not too much fun to be called work?

What shift do you usually work? 
I am in LoveCats Tuesday to Thursday 2am to 5am SLT, but I often do other shifts for the pleasure of helping out. =^^=

Why do you enjoy working at LoveCats? 
Who would not enjoy being in so kind and friendly an environment? I love being able to help people find the best clothes for their avatars, and LoveCats has such a wide and beautiful range of highly detailed outfits for men and women, it is easy to find just the right gear for that special occassion or everyday. =^^=

Do you have any other modeling experience? 
I have. ;) =^^=

Do you have any friends/family who also work at LoveCats?
I consider all the kitties and tomcats I work with at LoveCats to be friends! =^^=

What is the name of your favorite LC outfit and what draws you to it? 
That is a very difficult question to answer, since there is so much loveliness in the shop! The more recent Metro, Snuggle and Fae outfits are delicious, as are classics like Criminal, Kombat and the fabulous new Tabby skins, but the outfit I think draws (hehehe) me the most is Painter Kitty. Somehow the random splatters of paint and belt of artist tools and brushes in the tail suit my creative randomness. =^^=

What do you do on SL when not at LoveCats? 
I do a lot of different things, actually, there are so many interesting activities here. =^^= I build, and design, and go on hunts, and go to clubs and hang out with friends, and explore cool areas, and change shape and change clothes, and do a bit of RP, and help others, and, and and...

What are some of your favorite SL hang outs? 
Other than LoveCats, I do a lot of exploring of RP sims, since they are usually so beautiful. My favourite is Siden and I also enjoy, among many others,  Kowloon, Bladerunner City, Coruscant, Inspire Space Park, and of course Splintered Rock. =^^=

What do you identify as on SL? Vamp, neko, fairy, hybrid, etc.
I am but a walking shadow...I can be anything here, which is part of it's magic. Nothing limits us but our imaginations. =^^=

Any juicy gossip, naughty tales or silly stories you'd like to share?
I do not gossip, but....A story I can share is a tale of warning, hehe....I while back I was wandering around Second Life, looking very good I thought, dressed in a nice suit and pants, boots, everything, chatting with people, shopping , just your normal day.....then, after many hours of this, I met a friend, and she kindly informed me that I was completely stark nekked. =0_0=  No one had even bothered to mention it to me! In my own viewer I looked fine and elegantly dressed, in other people's viewers, I was disrobed. I learnt that day to never take anything SL shows you for granted, =^^=

If you could think of any unique outfit to have LoveCat design, what would it be? 
LoveCat Thei is so talented and creative, I do not think there is anything she has not already thought of, for example, I would never have come up with the new Mardi Gras outfits for men and women! That is just so different. =^^= The Savage Fae and Savage Kitteh outfits, so clever and beautiful and the two new gorgeous black numbers, Anastasia and Mystik. I would not say "No" if she made an outfit just for me. =^^=

Any final words for our readers? 
I have fun in Second Life, and I want everyone I meet here to also have fun. I like to bring happiness in the room with me wherever I go, and hopefully the people I encounter on my journeys will leave me with a smile. Every avatar has a real person behind the screen, living their first life, and only with kindness and tolerance can we all make the most of both lives. Be safe and spread joy! =^^= .....Oh, and please spay and neuter your pets and/or children. ;)  hehe =^^= .

Remember, LoveCats is always looking for hard working staff! Come in and grab an application, you may be the next top model! Stop in today!

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